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International Conference „Territorial and Inter-Organizational Cooperation’2020″

Researchers and practitioners dealing with multidimensional territorial and inter-organizational cooperation met on 23-24.09.2020 in Brenna for the international scientific conference „Territorial and Inter-Organization Cooperation’2020”, organized this year, due to the COVID-19 pandemic, in a hybrid form.

Representatives of research and development centers from 20 countries, including Finland, Denmark, Brazil, Russia, Italy, Germany or France, present at the conference both personally and via electronic communication platforms, participated in lectures and discussion panels during which they presented and discussed the results of the latest scientific research and built a network of contacts, which in the future will result in further interesting research projects.


Keynote speakers of the conference:

– Prof. Marina Andeva from University American College Skopje, North Macedonia

– Prof. Alexandros Apostolakis from Hellenic Mediterranean University, Greece

– Prof. Jacinto Garrido Velarde of the Department of Territorial Sciences, University of Extremadura, Spain

– Prof. Dangis Gudelis from Institute of Public Administration, Faculty of Public Governance, Mykolas Romeris University in Vilnius, Lithuania

– Prof. Eduardo Medeiros of ISCTE-Instituto Universitário de Lisboa, University of Lisbon, Portugal

– Prof. James W Scott from the Karelian Institute from the University of Eastern Finland, Finland


The Conference was characterized by its interdisciplinary approach and innovative formulas, especially round-table debates and accompanying events. The innovative conference form was focused not only on the valuable scientific discussion during the plenary sessions but also on networking during the round-table debates and other events.


Roundtable debates:
1. Cross-border projects as drivers for the territorial cooperation development
2. Inter-organizational cooperation – the innovative forms and their benefits
3. Cross-border cooperation at internal and external EU borders – similarities and differences

We were able to overcome all difficulties and limitations set before us by the COVID-19 pandemic as we have organized the conference in a hybrid formula. In addition to the traditional meeting of participants and panelists in Brenna, all guests that were not able to come to Poland, had opportunity to connect with us via online.


The conference participants could take part in many interesting accompanying events, such as:

– Thematic session: „Czech Republic-Poland INTERREG Programme: experiences from 2014-2020 and main assumptions for 2021-2027, with the participation of special guest: Beate Grajnert, European Commission representative;

– Thematic session: „Cultural institutions of the Polish-Czech borderland in the face of challenges and threats of the 21st century”;

– Scientific panel with the participation of PhD students from WSB University;

– Presentation of the project „Knowledge – skills – competences. An innovative model for accelerating cross-sectoral cooperation for the development of the Polish capital market”, with the participation of representatives of the GPW Foundation.


We can undoubtedly say that the conference was truly successful. Plenary sessions and roundtable debates led to many interesting ideas, exchange of scientific thoughts and new perspectives on cross-border issues across the globe. We were able to discover a huge potential and possibilities that will lead to new collaboration possibilities and growth of science in the area of territorial and inter-organizational cooperation.