Quality assurance

The issue of the quality of education is of key importance to us, therefore it is one of the most essential elements of the university's development strategy. We regulate quality issues in teaching, management and scientific research in a systemic way, through activities carried out by the units established for this purpose: Quality and Innovation Center, Rector's Plenipotentiary for Education Quality and the University Commission for Education Quality.

One of the main conditions for high-quality education at WSB University is the implementation of the assumptions of the University's Internal Education Quality Assurance System. It is consistent with international standards defined, among others, in the Bologna Declaration as well as with the assumptions of the higher education system in Poland.

The quality of education means for us also proper preparation of students for active professional life. This is achieved by educational programs, the contents of which are adapted to the requirements of the labor market and meet the demand for specific professional qualifications, all thanks to their regular improvement in cooperation with practitioners, educators and business partners. We are highly rated in the "Professional Career Development " category in the most important national rankings, but our efforts are appreciated primarily by graduates who find employment easily, as well as by employers and accreditation institutions.


University's Internal Education Quality Assurance System is in place, the procedures of which cover all forms of education at the University.

The main objectives of the System are:

  • diagnosing the existing state of education quality,
  • improving education quality processes increasing the university's ability to meet the requirements regarding education quality,
  • ensuring the implementation of current activities within individual education quality processes,
  • shaping pro-quality attitudes in the university environment and building a quality culture.

The System is in particular for:

  • ensuring the highest level of education for students,
  • developing effective, transparent and publicly available procedures ensuring high quality of education,
  • proper implementation of the didactic process, including through the development of the base and conditions of education,
  • providing university authorities with information necessary to manage the education process,
  • increasing the competitiveness of the university on the educational market,
  • supporting the personnel policy,
  • supporting didactic innovations,
  • increasing student mobility.

The WSB University regularly undergoes processes verifying the quality of education - both in the national and international arena. Accreditations carried out by impartial organizations such as Ceeman, KAUT or the Polish Accreditation Commission are the best indicator of assessing the quality of the education process at the University. They are also a contribution to activities for the constant improvement of the quality of educational processes at AWSB by pointing to areas that require change, improvement or further development.


Accreditations of the Polish Accreditation Commission (PKA)

The mission of PKA is to conduct program and institutional (currently comprehensive) evaluations at Polish universities and to formulate applications for granting authorization to conduct specific fields of study.

AWSB is the first private university in Poland to receive a distinctive institutional assessment. For this reason, the faculty is not subject to further accreditations for the next 6 years.