CEEMAN IQA, awarded by the International Association for Management Development in Dynamic Societies, is one of the most prestigious and valued accreditations in the field of management education. AWSB successfully passed the CEEMAN accreditation process in 2020 and was accredited for the next 6 years. CEEMAN evaluates the professionalism of educational institutions and focuses on assessing the quality of the University's management, as well as on the evaluation of teaching activities and on the evaluation of the University's creativity and innovation in the field of research and development projects.
A congratulatory letter from prof. Danica Purg, the President of CEEMAN - sent to the Rector of WSB University dr hab. Zdzisławia Dacko-Pikiewicz, prof. AWSB reads:

“WSB University, having a clear and far-reaching vision, develops the mission of preparing professional, self-confident and ethical leaders capable of successfully competing on the international market. In this way, the University plays an important and pioneering role in introducing and disseminating the idea of perfect, practical and sustainable education in the field of management in Poland”
The accreditation process is co-financed by the European Union from the European Social Fund under the Knowledge Education Development Operational Program 2014-2020, Priority Axis III. Higher education for economy and development, Action 3. 3 - Internationalization of Polish higher education under POWER, implemented as part of a non-competition project of a conceptual nature "Foreign accreditations, carried out by the Ministry of Science and Higher Education.