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International Meeting of the TEIN network in WSB University

On 21st of September 2021, the WSB University hosted the annual meeting of the prestigious international TEIN - Transfrontier Euro-Institute Network, of which the WSB University is a member.

The meeting was inaugurated by Assoc. Prof. Katarzyna Szczepańska - Woszczyna, PhD, Vice-Rector for Science and Education at the WSB University, who highlighted the significant importance of the TEIN network in cross-border cooperation in Europe.

The meeting held at the WSB University was attended by:

·         Anne Hoffman, Training Manager, Euro-Institute TEIN, Kehl, Germany

·         Assoc. Prof. Joanna Kurowska-Pysz, PhD, Director of the Institute for Territorial and Inter-Organizational Cooperation Studies, WSB University

·         Martin Unfried, Maastricht University, Netherlands

·         Peter Ulrich, PhD, Leibniz Institute for Research on Society and Space, Germany

The Transfrontier Euro-Institute Network (TEIN), established in 2010, brings together partners from border regions in Europe. TEIN consists of universities, research institutes and training centres that are engaged in practical activities in cross-border cooperation in Europe.

TEIN is run by the Euro-Institute, established in 1993 in Kehl/Strasbourg on the French-German-Swiss border with the aim of facilitating cross-border cooperation. TEIN partners come from countries located in diverse cross-border areas: maritime, old European borders, new eastern borders, post-conflict borders and external borders. For this reason, TEIN is able to measure the demand for capacity building in cross-border cooperation across Europe.