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Invitation to the next lecture by Prof. Petr Sedlack, University of Oxford

The WSB University, as part of the Metropolitan Fund for the Support of Science co-financed by the Górnośląsko-Zagłębiowska Metropolia, is implementing the project "Serial Entrepreneurs, Macroeconomics and Income Inequality", the aim of which is cooperation with Prof. Peter Sedlack from the University of Oxford.

We want to invite you to the following lecture by Prof. Petr Sedlacek entitled "What makes a firm successful?". The online lecture will take place on 10.05.2022 at 9:00 am

Below is the link to register for the lecture:

Sign up

You are warmly welcome!


Below is a link to the invitation video:


The project "Serial Entrepreneurs, Macroeconomics and Income Inequality" has been funded by the Górnośląsko-Zagłębiowską Metropolię under the 2019-2022 Metropolitan Science Support Fund Programme.