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On the 5th and 6th of May 2023, an international meeting of the partners of the project "Promoting ACTIVE and Responsible Citizenship In Schools" took place in Klagenfurt

Representatives of the WSB University took part in the fourth series of international meetings within the ACTIVE project, held in Klagenfurt, Austria.

During two days of intensive meetings and workshops, the project partners presented the results of several months of work by teachers with youth from Poland, the Czech Republic, Slovakia, Austria and Italy. The coming months promise to be marked by events disseminating the results of the project. The partners have prepared a plan of dissemination activities.
The project aims to promote active and responsible citizenship among students aged 12-18. Using the methodological tools produced by the ACTIVE project, young people will learn to think critically, to understand the context and possible consequences of their own actions and to be open to supporting peer discussion, which is essential to being a responsible and active citizen.