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Scientists from the WSB University got involved in cross-border research on the capacity of border crossings

WSB University has been participating in the project „INCREASING THE CAPACITY OF FREIGHT TRANSPORTATION INFRASTRUCTURE ON EU-UKRAINE BORDERS”, which received funding from the Visegrad Funds, since October 2022.
The leader of the project is The Institute of Regional Research. M. I. Doliszni of The National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine in Lviv and apart from AWSB the participants are: The Institute of Geography of The Slovak Academy of Sciences in Bratislava (Slovakia), The University of Debrecen (Hungary) and The University of Oradea (Romania).
The first scientific event of the project was held online on December 8, 2022 in a form of a round-table debate entitled "Freight traffic flows across EU-Ukraine: current trends and future prospects".
During the debate, PhD Eng. Iwona Krzyżewska presented the results of the Polish team's research on the analysis of capacity at Polish-Ukrainian border crossings.
The presentation was prepared by a team of scientists from the WSB University: Prof. Joanna Kurowska-Pysz, PhD (project coordinator), Prof. Katarzyna Chruzik, PhD Eng, PhD Eng. Iwona Krzyżewska together with PhD Dariusz Trojszczak from Bieszczady Border Guard Unit.
In the second part of the webinar, experts discussed and exchanged experiences on the current operation of road and rail border crossings between Ukraine and countries of the European Union, and above all, the prospects for increasing their capacity, as well as the possibility of opening new crossings in terms of handling freight traffic.