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Study visit and international project meeting at Da Nang University, Vietnam

From 17-21 April this year, as part of the project 'HEIsCITI - HEIs as Innovative Triggers of Sustainable Development in European Cities in Post Covid-19 era', the WSB University as project leader hosted a study visit and the first international meeting of the project partners at Da Nang University in Vietnam.

During the first day of meetings, the project partners were introduced to each other, and each presented their organisation's activities. Project Manager, Dr Karolina Mucha-Kuś, presented the main objectives of the project and the results to be achieved. A presentation by Ms Le Thi ThuHanh, Deputy Director of the Da Nang Foreign Affairs Department, on the city's cooperation with the Lao provinces was also heard. The official part of the meeting was followed by the first workshop with the project partners during the visit. The following days were fruitful in meetings, workshops and speeches by all project participants, during which substantive, organisational and strategic issues of the project were established.
As part of the study visit, the project partners were invited to the University of Sciences end Education - UD where meetings and workshops on good practices in cooperation with Laos and Cambodia were held. During the first session, the cooperation between the university and Lao provinces in teaching Lao students was presented. The presentation was followed by a discussion on good practices in cross-border cooperation. The second thematic session focused on the role of the Da Nang University campus in Kon Tum in cooperation on the Vietnam-Laos-Cambodia border. The project partners also had the opportunity to hear from students from Laos and Cambodia who, thanks to the cooperation of Da Nang Univestitet with these countries, can study in Vietnam and develop their competences. During the 5-day visit, all the objectives of the meeting were achieved and a work plan for the coming months was prepared.

The project Erasmus+ KA220 - Cooperation partnerships in higher education HEIsCITI - HEIs as Innovative Triggers of Sustainable Development in European Cities in Post Covid-19 era 2022-1-PL01-KA220-HED-000088825 is funded by the National Agency under the European Union.