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Two years jubilee of the project „PERFECT – Regional Initiative of Excellence at WSB University” and the activities of Research Institute on Territorial and Inter-Organizational Cooperation

On the occasion of two years anniversary of the project „PERFECT – Regional Initiative of Excellence at WSB University” and the activity of Research Institute on Territorial and Inter-Organizational Cooperation at WSB University, established under the patronage of the Minister of Science and Higher Education in Poland dr Jaroslaw Gowin, financed under the program of the Minister of Science and Higher Education in Poland called „Regional Initiative of Excellence”. On December 8th, 2020 at 2:00 p.m., WSB University organized a ceremony, during which the achievements of the Project and the activity of the Institute were presented.

WSB University, as one of just two non-public universities, has been included in the prestigious group of 30 Polish research units distinguished in the „Regional Initiative of Excellence” program. The Ministry of Science and Higher Education in Poland has appreciated the projects containing a strategy for the development of scientific research, the implementation of which is to serve the intensive development of universities that stand out in the region in selected disciplines. WSB University, as the only one in Silesian Voivodeship, received support for the development of research in disciplines: „Management Science and Quality” and „Economics and Finance”.

The ceremony, which due to the pandemic took place in the remote formula, began with a speech by the Rector of the WSB University, Assoc. Prof. Zdzisława Dacko-Pikiewicz, Ph.D. . The celebration was graced by the presence of the Secretary of State of the Ministry of Science and Higher Education in Poland, Wojciech Murdzek, Senator Tadeusz Kopeć, representing the Deputy Prime Minister, Dr. Jarosław Gowin and the Vice-Rector for Projects and Cooperation of the Cracow University of Economics, prof. Piotr Buła from Krakow University of Economics.

Presentation on the project „Perfect – Regional Initiative of Excellence at WSB University” was made by Assoc. Prof. Katarzyna Szczepańska-Woszczyna, Ph.D. the project manager, Vice-Rector for Science and Education in WSB University. Prof. Szczepańska-Woszczyna presented measurable benefits of the project realization, including internationalization (by co-creating international scientific networks, consortia, and strategic partnerships) and the interdisciplinary nature of the WSB University (thanks to cooperation with over two hundred research centers and joining a dozen prestigious scientific associations).

The implementation of the Project „Perfect – Regional Initiative of Excellence at WSB University” is inseparably connected with the Institute on Territorial and Inter-organizational Cooperation, operating since October 30, 2018. The Institute develops scientific and expert activity related to cross-border cooperation and public management. The activities and achievements of the Institute’s employees were discussed by Assoc. Prof. Joanna Kurowska-Pysz, Ph.D., Director of the Institute, presenting materials from numerous conferences and initiatives taken over the last two years.