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Visit of Professor Edward Hadas from the University of Oxford

A visit by Professor Edward Hadas from the University of Oxford as part of the Metropolitan Fund for the Support of Science funded by the Górnośląsko-Zagłębiowska Metropolis has begun.

On 20-24.03.2023, the WSB University will host Prof. Edward Hadas, whose academic work includes moral economics and finance and Catholic social teaching. He is a freelance journalist and financial analyst. He was economics editor at Reuters Breakingviews for several years and a columnist at Reuters.com, where he won the Reporter of the Year award for commentary and analysis in 2013. During Prof Hadas' stay at the Festival of Science, a number of activities are planned as part of the project 'Money and finance and reality and morality', including lectures, seminars and workshops.

The project 'Money and Finance and Reality and Morality' has been co-financed by the Górnośląsko-Zagłębiowska Metropolis as part of the 'Metropolitan Science Support Fund' Programme 2022-2024.