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WSB University partner in the project "Inductive approach to teaching science and mathematics"

We are pleased to announce that the Czech National Agency for the Erasmus + programme, Centre for International Cooperation in Education (NAEP) has selected 11 initiatives for funding out of 54 projects submitted in the area of School Education. Among them was the Project "Inductive approaches to teaching science and mathematics", in which the WSB University acts as a partner.
The project will start in October and will run for 24 months with partners (universities and educational institutions) from the Czech Republic, Slovakia and Poland.
The main objective of the project will be to create methodological support for teachers (and future teachers - students of pedagogy) to ensure the effective use of inductive educational procedures in the teaching of natural science subjects in primary schools.
The WSB University will be the leader in the task of creating tools for the evaluation of teaching materials and will be responsible for verifying the usability of these methods in Poland. WSB University researchers will collaborate with primary school teachers. WSB University students in pedagogical studies will also be involved in the project.
1. h-edu, s.r.o. (Czech Republic) - LEADER
2. the WSB University(Poland)
3. University of Trnava (Slovakia)
4. Indicia n.o. (Slovakia)

Planned project results:

7 sets of methodological materials,
Educational videos with accompanying teaching brochure in 4 languages,
Evaluation tools to assess the impact of the project,
Usability testing of the teaching materials in Poland,
30 webinars for teachers conducted,
500 teachers participating in the webinars.