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WSB University researchers leading in the "cross-border cooperation" category in SCOPUS

As analysed in SCOPUS, two researchers of WSB University, Assoc. Prof. Joanna Kurowska-Pysz, PhD and Assoc. Prof. Rui Alexandre Castanho, PhD, are ranked first according to the number of publications by the keyword "cross-border cooperation". Moreover, WSB University is ranked first according to the affiliation of publications by this keyword, among universities in the world.

The Research Institute on Territorial and Inter-Organizational Cooperation has been operating at WSB University since 2018. The Institute implements an interdisciplinary „PROGRAM OF RESEARCH ON TERRITORIAL AND INTER-ORGANIZATIONAL COOPERATION”, under the patronage of the Minister of Education and Science in Poland. This is an innovative formula to develop international research and to put its results into practice. The Institute develops the unique scientific school of cross-border cooperation research focused on public governance and economics issues.

The research conducted by the Institute is financed, among others, by the Ministry of Education and Science in Poland as part of the Regional Initiative of Excellence programme, as well as thanks to the support from international programs such as the Regional Initiative of Excellence: Horizon 2020 (COST Action), Erasmus Plus or INTERREG. The costs of other studies are covered by foreign partners from other funds.