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WSB University student laureate of the prestigious Best Young Research Paper award

We are pleased to announce that Sandeep Tayal, a student of WSB University majoring in International Relations, has been awarded the prestigious Best Young Research Paper award. Sandeep presented his research findings in a paper titled "Modeling a Self-sustaining Ecovillage: Using Traditional Practices in Asian Countries".

These prestigious awards were given at 3rd edition of the International Congress on Sustainable Development, Landscape Planning and Territorial Management.

This is how Sandeep Tayal himself recalls his participation in the Congress:

"Participating in an International congress sitting at home is like a dream which I never imagined two years back. Exciting and thought-provoking research work from sustainable development and territorial integrity were streamed online live. I consider myself lucky to have the opportunity to present my work remotely and get selected further for publication. I hope this will significantly increase the value of my master's degree and will open further good opportunities for me. Many thanks to Assoc. prof. Rui Alexandre Castanho, PhD and WSB University for making it possible".

Congratulations to all the winners!