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15 Years of the WSB University of the Third Age!

Every anniversary is worth celebrating, but the one celebrated yesterday - if only because of the enthusiasm and enormous energy of our students - is one of those special ones. On 17 April 2023, we celebrated the 15th anniversary of the WSB University of the Third Age.

During the official ceremony, which took place in the Palace of Culture and Zagłębie, we had the opportunity to admire a polonaise and a dance of the Lachs from Podegrodzie performed by the PKZ Song and Dance Ensemble - Gołowianie. We heard fiery czardashes performed by the Zorza Choir, which roused the audience to dance, and in the finale there was a smiling duet by Anita Moszczyk and Leopold Stawiarz.

The Jubilee Gala was inaugurated by the Rector of the WSB University, Prof. Zdzisława Dacko-Pikiewicz. - Late adulthood is a time when everything aims at better understanding the meaning of life and gaining the wisdom of the heart," said Prof. Zdzisława Dacko-Pikiewicz during her speech. "Our educational system pays too little attention to implementing lifelong learning habits.

During the Gala, we were honoured by the presence of, among others: Dr Beata Małecka-Libera - Senator of the Republic of Poland, Mr Waldemar Andzel - Member of the Polish Parliament and Mr Robert Warwas - Member of the Polish Parliament, as well as the lecturers and staff of the WSB University: Prof. Marcin Lis - Prorector for Student Affairs and Cooperation with the Environment, Prof. Mirosława Nowak-Dziemianowicz, Prof. Eugenia Rostańska, Prof. Artur Fabiś, Dr Magdalena Kot-Radojewska.

On behalf of the Mayor of Dąbrowa Górnicza, Mr Marcin Bazylak, congratulations were expressed by Ms Magdalena Mike, the Mayor's Plenipotentiary for cooperation with non-governmental organisations. On behalf of Ms Barbara Dolniak, MP, congratulations were conveyed by the Director of the MP's Office, Mr Krzysztof Pasek, while on behalf of Dr Agnieszka Pasternak, Chairwoman of the Dąbrowa Górnicza City Council, wishes were conveyed by the City Council Councillor, Ms Krystyna Stępień.

The Gala was also attended by representatives of the WSB University's partner Universities of the Third Age together with their coordinators from the Zagłębie Dąbrowskie region and Silesia (from Bierun, Bobrowniki, Czeladź, Psary, Tąpkowice and Wojkowice), as well as local government and non-governmental institutions - partners of the University of the Third Age.

On the occasion of the jubilee, there was no shortage of wishes, congratulations, but also thanks. The most committed students of the AWSB University of the Third Age were awarded special titles:

Woman Leader - Ms Lidia Musiał
Life Passionate - Mr Mieczysław Płonka
Renaissance Man - Mr Zbigniew Łukasik
Eye of the UTA AWSB - Ms Krystyna Sadkowska - Koziołek
Man with a Song on His Mouth - Mr Zbigniew Nabiałek
Man with an Ace up his sleeve - Mr Józef Dąbrowski
Eternal Student - this title was awarded to: Ms Bogumiła Stępkowska, Ms Teresa Kika and Ms Anna Czerwińska Krasnodębska (who started their adventure with the UTW of the WSB University in 2008 and are thus celebrating 15 years of their own active participation in the WSB University of the Third Age as well).
Huge thanks are also due to all the Partners!