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1st Legal Conference entitled. "Characteristics and types of legal professions - what is worth knowing about them?".

On Friday 19 May, the WSB University hosted the 1st Law Conference, entitled. "Characteristics and types of legal professions - what is worth knowing about them?".

The conference was inaugurated by Dr Marcin Lis, Professor of AWSB, Pro-Vice-Chancellor for Student and Community Relations at WSB University.

The conference was attended by:

  • Marta Imiołczyk-Porębska, attorney-at-law, Deputy Dean of the Regional Bar Council in Katowice,
  • Dr Aleksandra Klimek - Lakomy - Deputy Dean of the Faculty of Applied Sciences at the WSB University, lecturer at the WSB University,
  • Karina Kucińska-Breur - Assessor of the District Prosecutor's Office for Katowice Południe in Katowice, Military Department,
  • dr Tomasz Sadowski - legal counsel, lecturer at WSB University,
  • mec. Łukasz Staszel - attorney at law, lecturer at WSB University,
  • Jarosław Gwizdak - former judge, lecturer at the WSB University.

The conference was held under the Honorary Patronage of the Dean of the Bar Association in Katowice, advocate Roman Kusz.

The aim of the Conference was to present to students, the academic community, as well as secondary school students, the path of acquiring professional qualifications for particular legal professions and their characteristics. During the Conference, the speakers presented to the participants how they can direct their interests already at the stage of studying law in order to make an informed choice of their career path after obtaining the degree of Master of Law.