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65 years of the county health care centre

On Friday, 19 May, the 65th anniversary of the Powiat Zespół Zakładów Opieki Zdrowotnej took place in the Arena in Będzin. The event was attended by the Rector of the WSB University, Prof. Zdzisława Dacko-Pikiewicz, PhD. The jubilee was held under the honorary patronage of the Mayor of Będzin Łukasz Komoniewski.

During the ceremony, the Będzin Starost, Sebastian Szaleniec, together with the Chairman of the Będzin District Council, Jan Powałka, presented a gift voucher worth PLN 1,000,000 for the modernisation of the Internal Medicine Ward of the PZOZ and a commemorative crystal statuette, which was received by the Hospital Director, Aldona Sylwa.

Among the invited guests were MPs, representatives of local government or the academic community.

WSB University cooperates with the District Health Care Centre. The facility provides internships for students of physiotherapy, nursing and paramedicine.