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A semester in Norway or Iceland

To all our students!

We invite you to apply for a semester of study with a full scholarship under the EDUCATION program to our partner universities in Iceland - Bifrost University; and in Norway - Western Norway University of Applied Sciences in the academic year 2022-2023.

Candidates should have:
- Completed the first year of Bachelor's or Master's degree (at the time of departure to the partner university)
- English language at min. B2
- Grade point average for the last closed semester min. 4.0
- Additional scientific or academic activity is welcomed!

The scholarship will amount to: EUR 1200 per month for accommodation and food costs and EUR 360 for travel costs to and from the university in Iceland or EUR 275 for travel costs to and from the university in Norway.
Applications should be submitted by April 30 to jjablonka@wsb.edu.pl.

The number of places is limited so hurry, hurry!