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Academic Gala for postgraduate studies

Postgraduate diplomas, awards and Rector's Awards. On Wednesday, 28 June, the WSB University hosted an Academic Gala for postgraduate studies.

The ceremonial gala was inaugurated by Dr Marcin Lis, Prof. AWSB - Pro-rector for Student Affairs and Cooperation with the Environment at WSB University, who congratulated the graduates on their successes.

In accordance with the regulations of postgraduate studies, the Graduates were awarded distinctions for their commitment and above-average activity during classes.

Honours were awarded to:

  • Ms Natalia Stolarska - Graduate in Railway Incident Investigation, Law, Technique, Methods, Committee Organisation,
  • Mr Kamil Gancarczyk - Graduate in Occupational Health and Safety Management,
  • Mr Adam Hanusiak - Graduate of the course Academy of Professional Mediator - Judicial and Extrajudicial Mediation,
  • Mr Norbert Komar - Graduate of the course Psychology of Leadership.


In the 'NATURAL LEADER' category, for optimism, charisma and courage; inspiring and motivating others by their own example, encouraging them to take up challenges and infecting them with energy, passion and ideas, the award went to Mr Mariusz Mrożek - Graduate of the Public Speaking course. The prize: a co-drive in a Monster Truck.

In the category "PASSION FOR IMPROVEMENT" - for exceptional determination and commitment to the continuous improvement of his qualifications, constant pursuit of excellence and expansion of his knowledge, and inspiring others with his incessant appetite for learning, was awarded to Mr Tomasz Bargieł - Graduate of the Tax Advisor course. The award: a balloon flight over Krakow for two.

During the gala, diplomas were handed out to postgraduates.

The gala was honoured by a performance of Krzysztof Respondek - an outstanding actor, singer and cabaret artist.

Congratulations on your awards and diplomas!