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Blended Intensive Programme - Sustainability strategies in companies in lines with SD Goal's

BIP Overview

The Blended Programme explores the environmental, social, and economic dimensions of sustainability. Defines and applies basic principles of sustainability to address today’s most pressing environmental and social challenges. It develops an understanding of how individual behavior of companies affect the community and global health. We approach sustainability from a multidisciplinary perspective by integrating faculty from across the curriculum, including public health, applied sciences, sociology, and economics.

Topic's Covered:

  • Greenwashing: a threat to sustainable development
  • Green Project Management
  • Intercultural Communication
  • Student Engagement Projects based on SD Goals
  • Study visit to a Sustainable Enterprise

Course leaders & lecturers

Joanna Łudzień & Valeriia Dotsenko - BIP Coordinators
Paweł Urgacz - WSBU
Małgorzata Małecka-Tomala - WSBU
Kamila Ciszewska - WSBU
Darius Burgis - Klaipėda University
Ewa Palarczyk - GPM EMEA