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Conference "Amendments to the Labour Code and safety enhancing technologies"

On Thursday, 25 May, the WSB University hosted a conference on 'Changes to the Labour Code and technologies enhancing safety'. This is a joint venture between WSB University and the Regional Labour Inspectorate in Katowice.

The event was inaugurated by:

  • Dr hab. Zdzisława Dacko-Pikiewicz, Prof. AWSB, Rector of WSB University,
  • Piotr Kalbron, District Labour Inspector in Katowice.

Expert speeches:

  • Jacek Czech, Labour Superintendent at the District Labour Inspectorate in Katowice - Hazards in the operation of electrically powered vehicles,
  • Zbigniew Latacz, Labour Inspector of the Regional Labour Inspectorate in Katowice - Case study - remote working and post-accident proceedings,
  • mec. Łukasz Staszel, WSB University Lawyer - Sobriety control - rights and obligations of the employer and employee, Remote working, legal aspects from the perspective of the employer and employee,
  • Piotr Bogdanski, Labour Specialist at the District Labour Inspectorate in Katowice - Work - Life - Balance in the Labour Code,
  • Karol Jędrasiak, PhD, Deputy Director of the WSB University Technology Transfer Centre - VR in occupational safety - a case study.

The conference was chaired by Dr Marcin Lis, Prof. AWSB, Vice-Rector for Student and Community Relations at WSB University.


After the conference, Dr Karol Jędrasiak, Deputy Director of the Technology Transfer Centre at AWSB, introduced participants to the use of VR and conducted individual workshops.

A stand of the Regional Labour Inspectorate in Katowice was available throughout the conference to provide legal advice.