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Conference on "The Role of National Raw Materials Policy in Ensuring Poland's Raw Materials Security" with the participation of Prof. Krzysztof Zamasz

On Wednesday, 17 May 2023, Professor Krzysztof Zamasz, Director of the Institute of Energy Transformation at the WSB University, participated in a conference entitled 'The Role of the National Raw Materials Policy in Ensuring Poland's Raw Materials Security', which was held at the Geological Museum of the Polish Geological Institute - National Research Institute (PIG-PIB).

"PSP2050 is a programme spanning many years, hence it is very important to summarise the first year in order to confirm or verify the implementation path chosen at the beginning"- said during the conference Mr Piotr Dziadzio, Chief National Geologist, Government Plenipotentiary for the State Raw Materials Policy. The conference was also attended by the Deputy Minister of Climate and Environment, Mr Ireneusz Zyska.

The National Raw Materials Policy until 2050 is a document adopted by the Council of Ministers on 1 March 2022. It aims to ensure that the Polish economy has access to the necessary mineral resources (domestic and imported), both today and in the decades-long future, taking into account economic, social and political changes over time.

The Institute of Energy Transformation at the WSB University is a unit of the University whose research topics include new energy technologies, renewable energy sources, low-carbon transport, sustainable heating and energy efficiency of end use of energy and heat. The research issues undertaken are carried out in technical, economic, regulatory, environmental and social aspects, with the aim of addressing the needs and challenges of all stakeholders affected by energy transition processes.

One of the initiatives carried out by the Institute is a cyclical scientific conference, the third edition of which entitled 'Regulated Markets - Legal, Financial and Market Competitiveness Aspects. The potential of water' will be held on 23в May 2023 at the WSB University.