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Doctor Honoris Causa conferred upon Prof. Ewa Stańczyk-Hugiet, PhD. by WSB University

Prof. Ewa Stańczyk-Hugiet, PhD. received the title of Doctor Honoris Causa of the WSB University.

On January 15, 2024, Prof. Ewa Stańczyk-Hugiet, PhD. - Vice-Rector for Research and Academic Personnel at the Wrocław University of Economics and Head of the Department of Advanced Research in Management, an outstanding social scientist in the field of management and quality sciences, author of many outstanding monographs in the field of strategic management problems, including business competitiveness, business models, knowledge management, corporate competence or business ecosystems - received the title of Doctor Honoris Causa of the WSB University.

During the ceremony we were honored with the presence of representatives of universities and the academic community, among others:

  • Prof. Andrzej Kaleta, PhD. - JM Rector of the University of Economics in Wroclaw,
  • Prof. Piotr Wachowiak, PhD. Prof. SGH - JM Rector of the Warsaw School of Economics,
  • Prof. Krzysztof Jajuga, PhD. multi - Chairman of the Committee on Statistics and Econometrics of the Polish Academy of Sciences, member of the Council for Scientific Excellence, President of the CFA Society Poland, Honorary Doctor of the WSB University (2022) together with his spouse, Mrs. Teresa Jajuga, , PhD.,
  • Prof. Wojciech Czakon, PhD. - Member of the Council for Scientific Excellence, Head of the Department of Strategic Management at the Jagiellonian University in Krakow,
  • Prof. Katarzyna Chruzik, PhD., Prof. AWSB - member of the Council for Scientific Excellence, Head of the Department of Transport and Information Technology at AWSB,
  • Prof. Piotr Moncarz, PhD., Eng. - Professor at Stanford University, member of the US National Academy of Engineering,
  • Paweł Poszytek, PhD. - Director General of the Foundation for the Development of the Education System for the period 2016 - 2023,
  • Monika Adamska-Staroń, , PhD., Prof. UJD - member of the Committee of Pedagogical Sciences of the Polish Academy of Sciences,
  • Prof. Roman Niestrój, PhD. - JM Rector of the University of Economics in Krakow in 2008-2012.
  • Prof. Bogusława Drelich-Skulska, PhD. - Vice-Rector for Accreditation and International Cooperation of the Wroclaw University of Economics,
  • Prof. Edmund Cibis, PhD. - Prorector for Student Affairs and Education at the Wroclaw University of Economics,
  • Prof. Bartlomiej Nita, PhD., Prof. UEW - Prorector for Finances and Development of the Wroclaw University of Economics,
  • Prof. Piotr Jedynak, PhD. - Rector for Personnel and Financial Policy of the Jagiellonian University in Krakow,
  • Prof. Jarosław Karpacz, PhD. - Rector for Development and Finances, Jan Kochanowski University in Kielce,
  • Prof. Andrzej Ożyhar, PhD. - Prorector of Science, Wroclaw University of Technology,
  • Prof. Tomasz Wołowiec, Ph.D., WSEI Academy - Pro-Rector for Science and International Cooperation of the WSEI Academy in Lublin,
  • Prof. Czesław Zając, PhD. - Dean of the Doctoral School of the Wroc?aw University of Economics,
  • Prof. Anna Cierniak-Emerych, Ph.D. - Dean of Student Affairs at the Wroclaw University of Economics,
  • Prof. Witold Kowal, Ph.D., Professor at the UEW - Dean of Education at the Wroclaw University of Economics,
  • Estera Piwoni-Krzeszowska, Ph.D., Prof. UEW - Dean of the Faculty of Management at the Wroclaw University of Economics,
  • Andrzej Okruszek, Ph.D., prof. UEW - Dean of the Faculty of Production Engineering at the Wroclaw University of Economics,
  • Piotr Rogala, Ph.D., prof. UEW - Dean of the Jelenia Góra Branch of the Wroclaw University of Economics,
  •  Hanna Włodarkiewicz-Klimek, , PhD. prof. PP - Dean of the Faculty of Management Engineering at the Poznan University of Technology,
  • Bernard Ziębicki, , PhD., prof. UEK - Dean of the Faculty of Management and Quality Sciences at the Cracow University of Economics.

During the entire ceremony, Mrs. Prof. Ewa Stańczyk-Hugiet, PhD. was accompanied by her family, including Her husband, Mr. Marek Hugiet, her sister, Prof. Sylwia Stańczyk and her family, and her niece, Marta Stańczyk, PhD.

- It is an honor and a privilege for the WSB University that Professor Ewa Stańczyk-Hugiet will receive an honorary doctorate," said Prof. Zdzisława Dacko-Pikiewicz, PhD., Rector of the WSB University, opening the ceremony. - She is an outstanding scholar in the field of social sciences in the discipline of management and quality sciences, the author of many excellent scientific monographs, an excellent organizer of academic life, but above all a woman of great scientific passion, commitment, openness and kindness, representing the highest values and traditions of the University, open to the needs of the entire academic community, enjoying the trust of this community, distinguished by her cordiality.

Professor Wojciech Dyduch, PhD - member of the Council for Scientific Excellence, Chairman of the Organizational and Management Sciences Committee of the Polish Academy of Sciences, member of the Financial Supervision Commission (representative of the President of the Republic of Poland), Dean of the Faculty of Management at the University of Economics in Katowice, an outstanding specialist in strategic management and organizational entrepreneurship.

The reviewers in the process of conferring the highest academic honor of the WSB University with the title of Doctor honoris causa were:

Prof. Beata Glinka, PhD. - member of evaluation and advisory teams of the Ministry of Education and Science and NAWA, member of the Mazovian Innovation Council, member of the Committee of Organization and Management Sciences of the Polish Academy of Sciences, head of the Department of Entrepreneurship and Management Systems at the University of Warsaw, director of the Center for Entrepreneurship at the Faculty of Management at the University of Warsaw, specialist in entrepreneurship, migrant entrepreneurship, organizational theory, organizational design and qualitative methods of organizational research.

Prof. Agnieszka Zakrzewska-Bielawska, Ph.D. - Dean of the Faculty of Organization and Management at the Technical University of Lodz, member of the Presidium of the Committee of Organization and Management Sciences of the Polish Academy of Sciences, expert of the advisory team of the Ministry of Education and Science for the "Excellent Science" program, member of the Strategic Management Society, the Academy of Management and the Łódź Branch of the Polish Economic Society, specialist in issues of strategic management and organization of enterprises, in particular, business development strategies, including cooperation and coopetition strategies, and development and changes in organizational structures.

Letters of congratulation were sent by the rectors:

  • Jan Długosz University in Częstochowa,
  • Maria Curie-Skłodowska University in Lublin,
  • John Paul II Catholic University in Lublin,
  • University of Warmia and Mazury in Olsztyn,
  • John Paul II Pontifical University in Krakow,
  • University of Economics in Cracow,
  • University of Life Sciences in Wroclaw,
  • Cracow University of Technology,
  • Poznan University of Technology,
  • Police Academy in Szczytno.

and representatives of universities and scientific institutions.

The gala was highlighted by the performances of the Choir of the University of Economics in Katowice, conducted by Natalia Lukaszewicz-Charabin, as well as Adrianna Noszczyk, an actress and singer from the Silesian Theatre in Katowice, and Michał Borkowski, a tenor from the Silesian Opera in Bytom.