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Dr. Patryk Kuzior co-author of the book "Financing and Management of Local Government Education"

Dr Patryk Kuzior from the Department of Law and Administration at the WSB University is the co-author of a valuable publication that appeared in the prestigious law journal C.H. Beck.

"The application of law is not only dealt with by lawyers, which is why it is so important to also write about law in a way that is comprehensible to people who do not have the theoretical background related to the nuances of the rules of legal interpretation. The book "Financing and management of local government education" published by C.H. Beck, of which I am a co-author, is just such a publication. It is a practical guide on how to manage education at the local government level in the light of the law, which has undergone many changes recently, as well as on all financial aspects related to the functioning of schools and educational institutions. This book is therefore somewhat like the philosophy of education at the WSB University, where we place so much emphasis precisely on its practical dimension. This book should be of interest primarily to educational managers - headmasters of schools and institutions and those responsible for managing education in local government units, and I am convinced that it can also be useful to participants of our University's postgraduate studies in education management." - this is what Dr Patryk Kuzior says about the book.

The handbook comprehensively presents the principles of financing education in local authorities, including educational and welfare tasks concerning children from Ukraine, as well as issues of subsidies, grants, catering for pupils, their transportation to educational institutions, fees charged or material aid. The book also discusses issues related to the administration of educational tasks, including the creation and operation of the CUW, financial and administrative supervision over the activities of local government educational units, organising and financing leisure activities for children and young people, etc.