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"Educator 2023" for the Polish Society for Security Studies

On 20 April 2023, a ceremony took place at the University of Natural Sciences and Humanities in Siedlce to present the 'Educator 2023' statuette awarded to the Polish Society for Security Studies by the Rector of the WSB University in Dąbrowa Górnicza, Dr Zdzisława Dacko - Pikiewicz, Professor at the WSB University.

The award honoured all members of the Polish Association of Security Studies for their high level of educational activities in the field of security studies and popularisation of knowledge in the area of security.

On behalf of the JM Rector of the WSB University, the "Educator 2023" statuette was awarded to was presented to the President of the Board of the Polish Society for Security Studies by Prof. Andrzej Glen, D.Sc. Bernard Wiśniewski.