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First IPMAStudent certificates at WSB University

The first IPMA-Student certification exam at WSB University was held on 13 May. Students faced 104 questions in the field of project management and had to fit in 100 minutes with their answers. The certificate was awarded to 11 students, members of the Interdepartmental ProjectGO Scientific Circle, who have already been listed in the publicly available ipma-student.pl list of certified persons.

Congratulations to you all! This is your great success. The next exam will take place on 25 May 2023.

The IPMA-Student certificate summarises your academic education in project management and is an objective and employer-recognised certificate of your qualifications, which are universal and independent of the industry. This is particularly important in a situation where, as practice shows, only a small percentage of graduates currently take up their first job in line with their studies and specialisation.

WSB University, with its IPMA-Student accreditation, confirms the compliance of the project management curricula offered as part of the studies with the competency requirements according to the global IPMA 4-L-C. standard. Higher education - IPMA Poland

The aim of the IPMA-Student programme is to prepare students and graduates of Accredited Universities for the requirements of the global job market and to confirm with the IPMA-Student professional certificate their competence in project management acquired during their academic education.

The IPMA-Student Competency Requirements were developed by the Strategic Management of CERT IPMA Poland, after consultation with the IPMA Poland Certification Programme Committee (a business representation of stakeholders from various industries and project management backgrounds) and the universities participating in the IPMA-Student pilot programme.

For more information on certification, please contact the University's IPMAStudent Coordinator, Dr Anna Śmiglewicz, and visit the International IPMA Student Accreditation - WSB University website