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Graduation ceremony for first and second degree graduates - Dąbrowa Górnicza

On Thursday, 30 March this year, the WSB University in Dąbrowa Górnicza held a Gala to award diplomas to graduates of Bachelor's and Master's degree programmes in: Administration, National Security, Economics, Philology, Finance and Accounting, Computer Science, Management Engineering, Cosmetology, Pedagogy, Early Childhood and Kindergarten Pedagogy, Logistics, Transport, Management.

The ceremony was attended by representatives of the WSB University Senate. The gala was inaugurated by Prof. Łukasz Sułkowski, Pro-rector for Research and Staff Development at WSB University, who welcomed the graduates and their families and friends, congratulating them on their successes.

The graduates were then presented with awards for the best theses and very good academic results. At the request of the thesis supervisors and reviewers, the JM Rector of the WSB University honoured the authors of 38 first- and second-degree theses. Distinctions for very good academic results were awarded to 12 graduates. The awards and distinctions were presented by supervisors, thesis reviewers and WSB University lecturers.

Sponsors of the prizes for the distinguished graduates:

Guliver magazine,
Holiday Inn Hotel.

The ceremony was honoured by an artistic performance by Oskar Jasiński - an extremely charismatic, musical and humorous Polish tenor. The artist is a laureate of several international vocal competitions. He permanently cooperates as a soloist with many Polish orchestras and philharmonics.

Congratulations on your results!