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Interdisciplinary student and doctoral theses - 4th edition of the competition

Anyone with an interest in management, economics, national security, pedagogy, health sciences, IT, logistics, transport or production engineering is invited to participate in the all including theses competition!

The article should be scientific in nature and contain an aspect of novelty. It can be written in Polish or in English. All texts that pass the review process will be published as a chapter in a scientific monograph, which is planned to be published in the fourth quarter of 2023 by the Scientific Publishing House of the WSB University (the Publishing House is on the list of publications of the Minister of Education and Science publishing peer-reviewed scientific monographs).

Prizes (maximum of three) worth PLN 1,000 each will be awarded to the authors of the papers with the highest reviewer ratings. In addition to their scientific merit, scientific publications may contribute to the application for scientific scholarships.

The rules and regulations, editorial guidelines, entry form, author/authors declaration, editorial requirements and a format to facilitate the correct preparation of the text are attached in the document section. Please make sure to read through them carefully before proceeding with your application.

Mentors (see appendix to the Rules for a list of persons) may assist in the preparation of the article.

Deadline for initial expression of interest to publish an article is 7 March 2023. - Please send Annex 1 and Annex 6 to: wydawnictwo@wsb.edu.pl

The article, statement and final submission form should be sent electronically to wydawnictwo@wsb.edu.pl by 30 April 2023. Information on the eligibility of the article for publication will be sent to the email address provided in the submission by 31 May 2023.

For detailed information please contact:

Daria Swędzioł - dswedziol@wsb.edu.pl
Justyna Iwaniak - jiwaniak@wsb.edu.pl
Julia Kubarek - jkubarek@wsb.edu.pl

If you agree to be mentored by someone other than those listed above (e.g. the thesis supervisor or the supervisor from the workplace who assisted with the thesis), please notify us of this person's name in the application form.

Good luck and may the best scholars win!


You are more than welcome to submit texts.