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International Conference 'Territorial and Inter-Organizational Cooperation 2023'

The International Conference 'Territorial and Inter-Organizational Cooperation 2023' was held in Brenna from 20 to 22 September this year.

The conference was addressed to researchers and practitioners dealing with various aspects of territorial and inter-organizational cooperation in local, regional, cross-border and international dimensions. The main objective of the conference was to establish contacts and create international, interdisciplinary scientific teams working together on new scientific challenges. Seventy-four universities and other institutions from nearly 30 countries in Europe, Asia, Africa, North and South America were represented at the conference, bringing together more than 120 participants.


The program of the 3-day conference included:

  • Plenary Session,
  • Poster session,
  • two thematic sessions:
  • Interregional and cross-border cooperation,
  • Sustainable Development as an Element of European Cohesion Policy,
  • Two expert debates:
  1. Public governance in the face of future interregional and cross-border challenges,
  2. The issue of minorities as a flashpoint in inter-organizational relations in regions and border areas.

'My intention is for the conference to become an international platform for scientific cooperation, represented by various academic centers and practitioners, who should make full use of the research results', says Joanna Kurowska-Pysz, PhD., Prof. AWSB, the initiator of the conference.

The project is managed by the Institute for Research on Territorial and Interorganizational Cooperation of the WSB University.


Project partners:

  • The Association for Regional Development and Cooperation 'Olza', Cieszyn, Poland,
  • Central European Service for Cross-Border Initiatives, Budapest, Hungary,
  • Euro-Instutite, Kehl, Germany,
  • European Centre for Minority Issues, Flensburg, Germany,
  • Regional Association of Territorial Cooperation of Těšín Silesia, Czech Cieszyn, Czechia,
  • Scientific Society for Organization and Management, Branch in Dąbrowa Górnicza, Poland,
  • University of Greater Region, Luxembourg,
  • Visegrad Institute Fundation, Cieszyn, Poland.