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International research on energy management in the Czech-Polish border area

Thanks to support from the National Agency for Academic Exchange, since January this year Dr Francesco Cappellano has started a research internship at the Institute for Territorial and Inter-Organisational Cooperation Studies of the WSB University, which will be carried out within the framework of the Stanisław Ulam Programme.

During the internship, Dr Francesco Cappellano is teaching and conducting research on the formation of cross-border sustainable development and climate protection policies in the Polish-Czech borderland. The partner for this research is the Institute for Studies in Territorial and Inter-Organisational Cooperation, and the supervisor is Dr. Joanna Kurowska-Pysz, Prof of WSBU.

The first field research on the results of the cross-border climate project entitled AirTritia, co-financed from the INTERREG Central Europe programme, was conducted from 9 to 13 January this year, among others at the office of the European Grouping of Territorial Cooperation TRITIA in Cieszyn.