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IT Banashi vol. 8 – Does Citrix rhyme with Cloud?

IT Banashi vol. 8 Meeting with Fujitsu experts – Stanisław Kochaniec and Michał Kaczmarek.

IT Banashi vol. 8 – Does Citrix rhyme with Cloud?

Have you heard what IT Banashi is? It is an event carefully prepared by Fujitsu employees, IT professionals, and all interested in this industry. It aims to share knowledge and develop specialist skills.

We invite you to the 8th edition of our event, once again in the online formula. It is a second session around Virtualization. Previously focused on Virtualization introduction, this one focuses on Citrix Cloud. Whether you attended the previous session or not – feel free to join!

The meeting will be conducted by Fujitsu experts – Stanisław Kochaniec and Michał Kaczmarek.


1. Introduction - who we are and what we want to show.

2. What is a virtualization recap?

3. Citrix cloud presentation - from admin & user perspective.

4. Q&A.

Registration link: https://fujitsu.zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_lUer-qO9Q6G4hsbg43EseQ

After registering, you will receive a confirmation email containing information about joining the webinar.

Admission is free so don't miss it!


See you soon!