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Lviv State University of Life Safety

On October 24-25, 2023, representatives of the WSBU in Dąbrowa Górnicza visited the Lviv State University of Life Safety.

During the visit, the Vice-Rector of the University, Col. Prof. Roman Ratushny, was awarded with the statuette 'EDUCATOR FOR SAFETY 2023' for outstanding achievements in the field of safety research and implementation of projects promoting scientific knowledge. The statuette was handed over on behalf of the JM Rector of the WSB University, Assoc. Prof. Zdzisława Dacko-Pikiewicz, PhD: Bernard Wisniewski, PhD, Director of the Center for Research Methodology in Security Sciences, and Boguslaw Kogut, PhD, Deputy Director of the Center for Cross-Border Security Studies.

During the visit, the issues of organizing joint ventures were discussed and the directions of carrying out joint scientific activities were determined.

The visit to the University was also accompanied by a donation of hygiene products to the 'With an Angel on the Shoulder' Foundation, which runs a mobile children's hospice.