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Methodological Forum

A Methodology Forum for teachers was held on 15 and 16 April 2023 at the WSB University in Dąbrowa Górnicza and in an online format. The aim of the meeting was to exchange scientific ideas and practical experiences in the field of education.

The two-day meeting was attended by nearly 500 people involved in education and education. Experts in research, didactics, neurodidactics and pedagogical therapy were invited to participate in the Forum.

The competences and role of a contemporary teacher, school as a creativity factory, how to teach in order to support the development of future competences, educational games as forms of supporting the development of pupils' skills and interests - these are only selected issues, which were raised during expert meetings with participants organised as part of the Forum.

We would like to thank you for coming in large numbers and actively participating in the Forum.

The Methodological Forum for teachers was realised as part of the project "The world through the eyes of WSB University scientists, 2nd edition", co-financed from funds from the state budget as part of the Ministry of Education and Science's programme "The social responsibility of science".