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National Educational Congress of Students and Doctoral Students

On 20-21 April 2023, the National Educational Congress of Students and Doctoral Candidates entitled Through Other Eyes. Young Researchers about themselves, the social world and their relations with the world. It was jointly organised by the Department of Pedagogy of the WSB University in Dąbrowa Górnicza and the Faculty of Educational Studies of the Adam Mickiewicz University in Poznań.

The meeting took place on the campus of the Faculty of Educational Studies of the Adam Mickiewicz University in Poznań. For two days, in four thematic panels, young researchers presented their scientific projects, intentions and shared their doubts. Prominent Polish professors from the social sciences, humanities and natural sciences took on the role of moderators. They included Prof. Mirosława Nowak-Dziemianowicz and Dr. Marek Walancik, Prof. AWSB, from the WSB University, as well as Prof. Zbyszko Melosik, Prof. Agnieszka Gromkowska - Melosik, Prof. Kinga Kuszak, Prof. Sławomir Futyma, Prof. Marek Budajczak, Prof. Waldemar Segiet, Prof. Hanna Krauze- Sikorska, Prof. Hanna Kubiak from the Faculty of Educational Studies at UAM, Prof. Eliza Rybska from the Faculty of Biology at UAM, Prof. Sławomir Leciejewski from the Faculty of Philosophy at UAM and Prof. Marek Konopczyński from the University of Białystok.

The doctoral students present at the Congress represented almost all academic centres, including foreign ones. We would like to thank and congratulate all those involved in this scientific meeting!