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One year since the aggression against Ukraine... - lecture by General Dr Roman Polko and Dr Paulina Polko

"One year since the aggression against Ukraine... How we are winning against the 'second' army of the world". - was the title of a lecture held at WSB University on 24 February, 2023 - the anniversary of the outbreak of the war in Ukraine. Gen. Dr. Roman Polko and Dr. Paulina Polko discussed how the course of the war changed in the ensuing months and how this conflict will affect the modern world. During the lecture, numerous questions were asked from the audience about, among other things, Poland's security.

"A comparison of the forces of Ukraine and Russia indicated that this would be a David versus Goliath duel. If the two armies were to clash, the Ukrainians would not stand a chance. This biblical parable says that strength is important, but cleverness and skill count. A year has passed and we are still talking about a war in which Ukraine has a chance to win," - Dr Paulina Polko, head of the WSB University's Department of Security Studies, said.

"Currently it is a positional war in which neither side achieves an effective advantage to take the initiative completely and dictate the terms. This is, in a way, a watershed moment, because although the Russians are announcing a major offensive, they have neither the forces nor the means, let alone the trained people, to carry it out and are suffering huge losses. Russian propaganda is still very strong. We can somehow change it, but it will be best broken when the Ukrainians push the Russians out of their own territory," concluded General Dr Roman Polko.