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Our student Kamila at COP27

As the ambassador of European Project “Climate of Change” I had the possibility, as a representative of Environmental European Bureau (EEB), to go to the United Nations Conference of Parties (COP27) which took place in Sharm El Sheikh, Egypt.

During COP I took part in plenty of side events, covering topics such as: climate-induced migration, empowering women, loss and damage, fossil fuel limitation, etc. It was a possibility to meet a lot of young people, young activists who fight for a more sustainable future.

COP27 was also am opportunity to hand over the petition of our project. The petition, which focused on 4 postulates:

1. Keeping global warming under 1.5⁰C

2. Shifting towards a socially and ecologically just well-being economy

3. Protecting climate change induced migrants

4. Enabling youth participation in political decision-making

Participating in COP was an interesting experience which gave me a lot to think about. Besides that, I could have this first-hand experience on how COP really looks like and what it really is about. I was happy to see Youth Pavilion which was created first time ever in 30 years history of COPs. A special place for youth, to be heard and present concerns.

I came back home with a lot of ideas, motivation and hopes. Ideas and motivation to develop in this topic even more, hopes that political will of parties will be more focused on climate crisis and more concrete actions concerning fossil fuel will be taken. We will see next year, during the next COP in Dubai, whether my hopes are going to be fulfilled.

Climate change and climate crisis are the present.

Kamila Ciszewska

Student of Logistics and International Relations