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Polish Ukrainian Youth Exchange

Polish Ukrainian Youth Exchange has come to an end, but the memories we have of it will last a lifetime!
This year, 11 Ukrainian students visited their counterparts in Poland for the subsequent Polish Ukrainian Youth Exchange program. In 2022, the students focused on the subjects of "Social responsibility of young entrepreneurs and sustainable development." Various workshops and lectures provided by the leading specialist were also combined with practical experience as students visited The Center of Local Initiatives, Association of Open Hearts and Association of LiberTea. Amongst the named firms the exchange group also visited the Dąbrowa Górnicza City Council where they learned how the government officials of Poland work on Social responsibility of young entrepreneurs and sustainable development of the city, the kind of projects they implement and numerous other details that are so important in this field.
Lots of experience was gained, and we hope to see the fruits of it in the near future!
We thank all the students who participated and all the professionals for sharing their knowledge with the future generation!
See you next year for the following program! And we hope to have it in the beautiful Ukraine!