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Positive evaluation from the Polish Accreditation Commission for Management and Logistics studies at WSB University

The Polish Accreditation Commission has positively evaluated the Management and Logistics studies at WSB University.

The Commission paid special attention to the excellent cooperation of the University with the social and economic environment in the fields of study evaluated, the participation of stakeholders in the co-creation of study programs, and the high degree of internationalization of WSB University.

- 'The positive evaluation by the Polish Accreditation Committee is the result of our systematic efforts to improve the quality of education, investment in modern teaching methods and support for the development of our students. WSB University is not only a place of learning, it is first and foremost a community that inspires action and the achievement of the highest goals,' says Prof. Zdzisława Dacko-Pikiewicz, Rector of WSB University.

The Polish Accreditation Committee (PKA) pointed out numerous good practices implemented by the University in each of the courses evaluated.

Among the good practices at the Faculty of Management were listed the development of didactic methods for distance learning and measurement of learning progress with formative and summative assessment, the creation of a model implementation of blended-learning, a systemic and comprehensive approach to internationalization, manifested, among other things, by the participation of foreign academics teaching in the faculty under evaluation, student and academic mobility, numerous international projects and research in multinational partnerships conducted by our researchers. Examples include international projects funded by Erasmus+ grants, or WSB University's cooperation with NATO Defense Education Enhancement Programs (DEEP) in the implementation of VR/AR solutions in the educational process.

In the Logistics major, the PKA recognized good practices such as the systematic implementation of the Sustainable Development Goals, the long-term and comprehensive support of students, implemented through mentoring, a program for the diagnosis and development of mental toughness, a Golden Index program, or joint publications with academic supervisors, among others. The implementation of several specializations in partnership with companies, including a dual specialization, was also recognized.

These are further positive evaluations of WSB University by the Polish Accreditation Committee (PKA).

WSB University has also received international accreditation from the Accreditation Commission for Universities of Technology (KAUT) for the Transport and Computer Science majors, as well as Business School Impact System (BSIS) accreditation, which confirms a significant impact on the social and economic environment.