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ProjectGO Scientific Circle in the international project management competition Global eCollaboration Competition (GeCCo) 2023

Students of international relations at WSB University, members of the ProjectGO Scientific Circle, Ms Dominka Ratajczak and Ms Dagmara Urbanik, have qualified to participate in the international GeCCo competition organised by IPMA Young Crew Global. This is a great success! WSB University students were among 8 people who represent Poland in this year's competition.

The Global eCollaboration Competition (GeCCo) 2023 consists of solving a case study in teams of six people, made up of people from all over the world.

On 11 and 12 March this year, an online event was held, during which 30 teams from 33 countries, in different time zones, were faced with solving a project management case study. The completed tasks will be assessed by the competition assessors. We are looking forward to the results!

- I am very much looking forward to participating in the GeCCo competition and to working with people from all over the world who are interested in project management. I am sure I will be able to learn many new skills, methods and good practices. Working together on a project in an international environment together with participants from Canada, the UK, the Czech Republic, India and the Philippines will further broaden my horizons and allow me to better understand other cultures and create relationships with professionals from different countries," says Dominika Ratajczak.