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Research visit to UiT - The Arctic University of Norway

From 15-19 March this year, Dr Michal Szyszka visited the prestigious UiT - The Arctic University of Norway.

The University of the Arctic in Tromso is the northernmost university in the world and one of Norway's most important academic centres. The university's location 'at the gates of the Arctic' is linked to its specific mission and role: to support Norway's key industries and socio-economic development, to protect its unique environmental resources, and to provide the best education for human resources in a region that, due to its specific climate, is subject to depopulation processes.

Dr Michał Szyszka's visit was of a research and networking nature. It was aimed at exchanging experience and establishing cooperation between the WSB University and UiT, primarily in the field of educational research and social communication. This is important as the Norwegian model prefers a pragmatic approach, oriented towards concrete, applied solutions and problem-solving at each stage of scientific activities, and the research areas of both universities are similar on many points (ICT, innovation in education, 21st century competences, research on minorities, social inclusion of disadvantaged groups, use of AI/VR in social services).

As part of the visit, Dr Michał Szyszka presented WSB University and the international and national projects implemented at the University. Meetings were also held with staff from institutes and units of the Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences, the Faculty of Social Education and the Faculty of Engineering and Technological Sciences.