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Scientific cooperation with the University of Extremadura in Spain

At the invitation of the authorities of the School of Technology and the Faculty of Entrepreneurship and Sociology of the University of Extremadura, a delegation of the University was hosted in Spain at campus in Caseres from 18 to 22 January. The WSBU was represented by Joanna Kurowska-Pysz, PhD, Head of the Department of Management, and representatives of the Department of Transport and Information Technology: Iwona Krzyżewska, PhD and Karol Jędrasiak, PhD.

The purpose of the visit was to establish scientific cooperation in new research areas. It was about the applied use of VR, AI and AR technologies in projects in the fields of IT, transport, green economy, in which the WSB University as well as the University of Extremadura specialises. The principles of cooperation between doctoral schools and the possibility of involving the staff of the Department of Transport and Computer Science of the WSB University in the COST action, of which the University of Extremadura is the leader, were also agreed. During the visit to the campus of the University of Extremadura in Caseres, meetings were held with representatives of the chairs of computer science, transport, materials engineering and environmental protection. Another meeting, with the Chair of Entrepreneurship, concerned the development of joint international projects for the programmes: Erasmus Plus and Horizon Europe.