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Student Corner

How can I pass the oral exam in German?

Most of the exams at my university are written exams. But it was the first time I had an oral exam in German. This concept scared me at first - how can I pass the oral exam in German?

here, I would like to show you my expirience.

How to prepare?

Repeat, repeat, repeat! Best of all, if you can do so out loud. it is also a great idea is to have a friend with whom you can go through the material. All the essays we wrote, the topics we discussed, the video presentations we made really helped me in recalling all the necessary information during the exam.

And finally, are oral exams easier or harder than written exams?

It really depends on the person. Personally, I prefer written exams, but I know students who don't. What I appreciate about this type of exam is the fact that you usually need to have a deep understanding of the concepts you are learning (so it's not just memorizing). You can use logical reasoning while answering questions, and you can recall information to the point where you can basically explain it/teach it to someone else.

As you know, I have already passed all my exams & got all my grades, and I hope you all passed your exams well and are preparing for a brand-new semester.



Gulnaz Renatova, International student of WSBU