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The 14th WSB University Job and Internship Fair is behind us

40 exhibitors, more than 200 job, internship and apprenticeship offers, as well as training courses and job interview simulations - these are all elements of the 14th edition of the Student Job and Internship Fair at the WSB University. This year's edition was held from 17 to 23 April in a hybrid formula. The Job Fair has been organised at WSB University since 2005 and has invariably attracted the interest of both jobseekers and employers.

Among the companies that took part in this year's edition were: Valeo, PKP Intercity, PwC Poland, Koleje Śląskie, Keller Williams, Dąbrowski Business Incubator and ZUS. Students took part in more than 20 training sessions and workshops on preparing for job interviews, the principles of 'design thinking', customer service or stress release techniques. As part of the Fair, employers conducted 65 job interview simulations, which provide effective training to prepare for the actual interview.

"We would like to thank you for the opportunity to participate in the WSB University Job Fair, we hope that we were able to instil in students the desire for self-development, continuous improvement and goal-setting. We welcome those who are open for business to join us."- Keller Williams

"As a student, I had the pleasure of participating in a job interview simulation carried out as part of the 14th edition of the Student Job and Internship Fair. I interviewed with representatives from Valeo. Thanks to these simulations, I found out that with my experience and knowledge of Valeo, they could invite me straight away for an interview at Valeo's headquarters. I am a 1st year, 2nd level management student and I can already take part in one of the many interesting internships offered by Valeo. It is worth taking part in such simulations, because maybe one day, thanks to this, we will get our future dream job." - Aleksandra Ogórek, WSB University student.

Honorary patrons of the 14th edition of the Student Job and Internship Fair included:

Marshal of the Silesian Voivodeship - Jakub Chełstowski,
Marcin Bazylak - President of Dąbrowa Górnicza,
Katowicka Specjalna Strefa Ekonomiczna S.A. (Katowice Special Economic Zone),
Regional Chamber of Commerce in Katowice,
Regional Chamber of Commerce and Industry in Tychy,
Regional Chamber of Industry and Commerce in Gliwice,
Lewiatan Confederation.