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The 19th Science Festival has begun!

"Women Leaders" is the theme of the first day of the Science Festival, the 19th edition of which began today at WSB University.

The Science Festival is an annual celebration of knowledge aimed at popularising and promoting science in a form that is accessible to everyone.

The event was inaugurated with a lecture by Professor Violetta Skrzypulec-Plinta, PhD, 'How hormones rule our emotions'. During the first day of the festival, participants had the opportunity to learn more about Fujitsu, a leader in the IT industry, and the company's development opportunities were presented by Ms Aleksandra-Durzyńska Prochowska, Managing Director of Fujitsu Technology Solutions. In addition, numerous participants listened to speeches by, among others, Ms Beata Małecka-Libera, Senator of the Republic of Poland, on women in politics or Magdalena Kieferling on self-confidence in communication . The day also featured a meeting with Wojciech Chmielarz, a writer and author of bestselling detective stories, who, in a conversation with Adam Szaja, tried to determine whether detective stories have a gender. Among the issues discussed was also oncology prevention, presented by Ms Katarzyna Stachowicz, President of the "Katarzyna Stachowicz Pokonaj Raka Foundation" . During a meeting with Prof. Dr. Mirosława Nowak-Dziemianowicz, participants learned what female happiness is and how to develop it.

On the first day of the Science Festival, the vernissage of the painting exhibition Various Faces of a Woman.