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The European Week of Regions and Cities

Participation of Dr. Rui Alexandre Castanho, Vice Dean for Sustainable Development at WSB University at The European Week of Regions and Cities.

Associate Professor Dr. Rui Alexandre Castanho, Vice Dean for Sustainable Development at WSB University and an EU Climate Pact Ambassador representing Portugal in the European Parliament, has been participating in advancing discussions on climate action and sustainability during The European Week of Regions and Cities. His role reflects a commitment to fostering collaborative solutions for a greener future. Additionally, as WSB University's representative at the EU Week of Cities and Regions, Prof. Rui Alexandre actively contributes to shaping conversations around regional development, sustainable infrastructure, and innovative climate initiatives, highlighting the university's leadership in driving positive environmental change across Europe, as well as its ongoing commitment to research on Cross-Border Cooperation aimed at improving the quality of life for border populations.

The European Week of Regions and Cities (#EURegionsWeek) is the biggest annual Brussels-based event dedicated to cohesion policy.