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The New Student Council have been Chosen!

On Wednesday, 9 November, the Council of Elders held a meeting during which the new composition of the WSB University Student Council was elected. The composition of the WSBU Student Council for the academic year 2022/2023:

  • Chairperson - Justyna Haberka
  • 1st Deputy Chairperson of the Student Council - Marcelina Pilarska
  • 2nd Deputy Chairperson of the Student Council - Wiktoria Kolano
  • Secretary - Justyna Iwaniak
  • Treasurer - Krzysztof Psuj

The new Student Government met with the Rector of the WSB University: Prof. Zdzisława Dacko-Pikiewicz, Ph.D. and the Vice-Rectors of the University. The main tasks of the WSB University Student Government include:

  • Supervising the observance of students' rights and duties defined by the Constitution of the Republic of Poland, the Higher Education Act, the WSB University Statutes, the Study Regulations, the orders of the Rector of the WSB University and other provisions of law,
  • Taking care of the interests of the student community, cooperating with other student self-governments and organizations,
  • Supporting scientific, tourist, cultural and sport initiatives for students,
  • Organizing meetings that integrate the students of the University,
  • Giving an opinion on projects concerning didactics and the organization of the University;
  • Representatives of the Student Government participate in Senate meetings and in the work of Scholarship Committees, give an opinion on educational programs and propose new majors and specializations.

In the new academic year 2022/2023, the Student Government of the WSB University will undertake activities in the following areas, among others:

  • cooperation with the most talented students in terms of scientific publications,
  • participation of students in the Innovator's Club - lectures by business practitioners, study visits, development of students' competencies and skills through training and development of their passions,
  • creating cooperation within scientific circles, participation in national and international conferences, representing the university, among others, in the Polish Students' Parliament, during meetings with the Polish Accreditation Committee, popularisation of science, culture, art.