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University Participatory Budget

University Participatory Budget – Students, we are waiting for your votes!

University Participatory Budget – Students, we are waiting for your votes!


E-Sport and Virtual Entertainment Lab, Office Bike System, or a plastic nut container system? Is that what you need to feel even better at WSB University? Now’s your chance to vote for the best idea!The WSB University Participatory Budget (UPB) is launched.

The main goal of the UPB is to encourage activity and introduce significant changes in WSB University to improve and facilitate study and work. Until 23 November 2020, students, MBA students, postgraduate students and PhD students can vote for proposals for POSITIVE PROJECTS.

Don’t delay. Vote for it!


Detailed descriptions of the projects:

E-Sport and Virtual Entertainment Laboratory

The project involves preparing a place where students will be able to use professional training infrastructure for e-sport competition. To this end, the adaptation of the room in the immediate vicinity of the AWSB gym is proposed.


  • 6 positions for e-sport competition (computers, monitors, tables and gaming seats)
  • VR Treadmill
  • Virtual shooting range
  • PS console
  • Video streaming studio
  • Dedicated sound system and lighting

Office Bike System

Ecology. Activity. Competition. A system of bicycles, which can appear in the corridors of WSB University, combines these elements. Just sit on your bike to start a sports competition, charge your phone or listen to music. You pedal and the generated electricity starts devices plugged into the system. Of course, everything to support your activity and your health.


AWSB charity. Plastic nut container system

The purchase of plastic nut containers to all Branch Campuses of WSB University will enable cyclical collections and support charitable projects carried out in cooperation with partner social organisations, as well as for students and graduates who need support the most.

The Regulations of the University Participatory Budget of WSB University

  1. Introduction
  1. The University Participatory Budget (UPB) is a part of the budget of WSB University (AWSB), the use of which can be directly decided by students, postgraduate students, PhD students and AWSB employees.
  2. The main goal of the UPB is to encourage students, postgraduate students and PhD students and University employees to become active and introduce significant changes in AWSB to improve and facilitate work and study.

II.Voting rights

  1. Every student, postgraduate student, PhD student and AWSB employee can vote.
  2. A person taking part in the vote must have the status of student, postgraduate student, PhD student or AWSB employee on the day of the announcement of the AWSB UPB i.e. 02.11.2020

III. Rules for submitting projects

  1. Projects submitted for funding from the UPB must comply with the applicable law, the University mission and must be closely related to its activities.
  2. Submitted projects should be feasible and take into account the technical, infrastructure and financial capacity of the proposed action.
  3. The cost of the submitted project may not exceed the maximum amount allocated in a given year for the AWSB UPB.
  4. Investment projects (e.g. purchase of equipment, software, etc.) must be located in the property owned by AWSB.
  5. Projects related to the organisation of initiatives/events should take into account possible costs related to licensing fees, insurance and the safety of participants.
  6. Implementation of the submitted project must be feasible between 1 February and
    31 December 2021.
  1. Projects
  1. In the 2020/2021 UPB, 3 projects identified by students and 3 projects identified by employees, whose description is given below, will be selected.
  1. Schedule
  1. Consultation and selection of UPB proposals– from 02.11.2020 to 18.11.2020.
  2. Voting for selected 3 projects for students and 3 projects for employees – from 19.11.2020 to 23.11.2020
  3. The announcement of winning projects: 1 project for employees, 1 project for students – 01.12.2020.
  1. Method of voting
  1. The vote will take place via an online survey.
  2. Each person entitled to vote may cast one vote for only one project.
  3. The vote shall be made by indicating the selected proposal.
  4. The data necessary for the electronic voting process for students are: first name, surname, register number, field of study, year of study.
  5. The data necessary for the electronic voting process for employees are: first name, surname.
  6. The vote can be cast once the statements necessary for the processing of personal data have been marked.
  7. The indication of the selected project task is necessary to approve a valid vote.
  8. AWSB reserves the right to verify the correctness of the given data by telephone with the user.
  9. A detailed description of the electronic voting procedure and technical requirements will be available at www.wsb.edu.pl

VII. Criteria determining the validity of the vote

The vote shall be deemed invalid if, as a result of the verification, it will be established that:

  1. the personal data are incorrect,
  2. the vote has been cast more than once.

VII. Calculation of results

  1. After the electronic vote has ended, a report will be generated.
  2. The results of the vote shall be made public on 01.12.2020.
  3. The publication time of the results may be extended by the time necessary to verify the votes cast in the electronic vote.

VII. Final provisions

  1. The proper course of the vote and the selection of winners will be the responsibility of the Competition Committee consisting of:
  1. Associate Prof. Zdzisława Dacko-Pikiewicz, PhD – Rector of WSB University
  2. Marcelina Pilarska – President of the Student Government/Representative of students
  3. Dominik Penar – Vice-Dean for Lifelong Learning / Representative of the Alumni and Student Association
  4. The Rector of WSB University shall take the final decision in matters concerning the interpretation of the Regulations and in disputes.


 Associate Prof. Zdzisława Dacko-Pikiewicz, PhD