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VI International Staff Week 2024 at WSB University

From May 13-17, 2024, WSB University hosted the VI International Staff Week, an event that brought together staff members from various institutions for a week of learning, networking, and cultural exchange.

The week began with a warm welcome from Vice-Rector for International Cooperation Rafał Rębilas, PhD, and ice-breaking activities. Eva Haug from the Amsterdam University of Applied Sciences led workshops on giving students a global experience without traveling. Participants learned about COIL and how to internationalize the curriculum.

There were also presentations on innovative projects. Deputy Dean for Internationalization, Director of International Relations Office Paweł Urgacz discussed the VR4Skills project, and Bertel de Groote from Ghent University shared insights on Blended Intensive Programs, which enhance international collaboration in education. Then Tatjana Kozjek from the University of Ljubljana led a session on organizing Blended Intensive Programs, focusing on practical strategies.

The week concluded with a day trip to Kraków, where participants explored the city's historical and cultural sites. This trip offered a perfect blend of education and entertainment.

Overall, the VI International Staff Week at WSB University was a significant event that fostered international collaboration, provided professional development, and offered memorable cultural experiences. We look forward to hosting future events that promote global engagement and learning. See you next year!


Our organizators:

Paweł Urgacz


Denis Spahija


Joanna Łudzień


Gabriela Węglarz


Marta Masłyk
