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Vice President of the WSB University Student Government as a member of the board of the Polish Geopolitical Association

At the General Meeting of Delegates of the Polish Geopolitical Society, Wiktoria Kolano, Vice President of the Student Government of WSB University and President of the International Security Study Circle 'Save the World' of WSB University, was appointed as a member of the Board of Media and PR for the term 2023 - 2026.

Congratulations on your success!

The International Security Study Circle "Save the World", operating at WSB University, brings together students of all types and degrees in the world interested in security issues. The Circle's mission is to provide students with an opportunity for self-realisation, gaining knowledge and experience in the field of security, as well as integrating the international academic community. To date, the Circle has been the organiser of many scientific undertakings, including international conferences and symposia. At the same time, the Circle conducts activities aimed at historical education and the cultivation of historical memory, e.g. through the organisation of the March of Remembrance. In addition, it actively participates in community safety activities.

The Polish Geopolitical Society was founded in 2008 as a nationwide scientific association. The Society's field of interest is geopolitics in the broadest sense. The main area of research and organisational activity focuses on the development of geopolitics and its sub-disciplines (e.g. geostrategy or geohistory).