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Visit of the Secretary of State at the Ministry of Education and Science to WSB University

WSB University was visited by Mr Wojciech Murdzek, Secretary of State at the Ministry of Education and Science. The visit concerned, among other things: the 'Regional Excellence Initiative' programme, fields of study related to artificial intelligence. The visit took place on Tuesday, 25 April.

The meeting was attended by:

dr hab. Zdzisława Dacko-Pikiewicz, prof. AWSB - Rector of WSB University,
dr hab. Katarzyna Szczepańska-Woszczyna, prof. AWSB - Vice-Rector for Science and Education,
dr. hab. Marcin Lis, prof. AWSB - Prorector for Students and Cooperation with the Environment,
dr Sabina Ratajczak - Vice-Rector for Development,
dr Rafał Rębilas - Vice-Rector for International Relations,
Dr. Bernadeta Kuraszewska - Pro-Dean of the Faculty of Applied Sciences,
Dr Patrycja Mickiewicz - Pro-Dean of the Faculty of Applied Sciences.
WSB University was selected to be among the prestigious group of 30 Polish research units awarded in the 'Regional Excellence Initiative' programme and received support for the development of research in the disciplines of 'Management and Quality Sciences' and 'Economics and Finance'. As part of the programme, WSB University is implementing the project "Perfect - Regional Initiative of Excellence at WSB University".

Thanks to the financial support of the Ministry of Education and Science under the 'Regional Excellence Initiative' programme, during the period of the project it has achieved ambitious goals and excellence in the area of international scientific and research activities through high quality research and publications and their internationalisation, interdisciplinarity, and impact on the socio-economic development of the regions.

The project's results to date include:

internationalisation of scientific research conducted at WSB University,
the creation of a research school and the development of the Institute for Studies in Territorial and Inter-Organisational Cooperation at the WSB University with an international dimension,
publications in prestigious world scientific publishers and in high-scoring journals; inclusion of WSB University scientific journals in the Scopus database,
development of young researchers, including PhD students and interdisciplinary teams,
establishment of the Laboratory of Data Analysis and Qualitative Research.