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Visit of WSB University students to Valeo

On 18 April this year, male and female students of the fields of Logistics and Management, including members of the Interdepartmental ProjectGO Scientific Circle, took part in a study visit to the Valeo Lighting Systems Production Plant in Chrzanów.

The study visit to Valeo reinforces the practical nature of students' education in the fields of: Logistics and Management. The aim of the study visits is to educate and improve students' professional competences in line with socio-economic needs and the expectations of employers on the labour market. By participating in the study visits, students will be able to acquire basic knowledge about the realities of working in the industry, which will make it easier for them to enter the labour market.

Students actively participated in practical activities:

they learned the business profile of the entire Valeo business group,
visited the production departments of the lighting systems plant,
visited a fully equipped measurement laboratory with a photometric test tunnel,
took part in a step-by-step workshop with long-standing production trainers (the practical workshop showed the steps in the production process and its optimisation).
The trip was supervised by Ms Anna Śmiglewicz, PhD.


The trip was implemented as part of the project "EduLider - Development of WSB University for the region",co-financed by the European Union under the European Social Fund, Operational Programme Knowledge Education Development 2014-2020, Priority Axis III. Higher education for the economy and development, Measure 3.5 Comprehensive university programmes.